Flight Nanny Service is available to any major airport in the country. We work with UP Pup and Away flight nanny service. Phone number is 9175137183. You will coordinate with them directly. We do not make the arrangements. We do not ship our pups as cargo. If you choose a ground transportation company other than us, we cannot offer a health guarantee. The flight nanny fee is estimated $600 to $800 based on distance from the Little Rock Airport. There is a $100 delivery fee to take the pup to the airport to meet the flight nanny.
Personal pick up instructions. The address for pick up is 4407 Hwy 9 Springfield, AR 72157. This is the Birdtown Community Park. It is across the road from the Birdtown Country Store. Please park at the community park. The store owner gets upset if you park on her property. Meeting times are by appointment only. Please bring cash on pick up. If you must use a card then there is a 3% processing fee added to the final balance.
Puppy Delivery is Available. We can personally deliver your puppy to you within a 5 to 6 hour radius of Center Ridge, Arkansas. My daughter can deliver to the following areas, Memphis TN, Vicksburg MS, Shreveport LA, Dallas Texas, out-skirts of St. Louis, and Oklahoma City, Kansas City, along with any other town in our 6 hour radius. The fee for personal delivery is based on distance. 6 hour trip one way is $575.00 5 hour trip is $525.00. A 4 hour trip is $425. A 3 hour trip is $325.00 and a 1 to 2 hour trip is $200. This is in addition to the price of the puppy. If you are within the 5 to 6 hour radius I would prefer that you use this personal delivery service as it is easier on the puppy.
Note: We do not do door drop offs. We have dedicated meeting spots we deliver to. We meet on main highways and/or interstates and avoid downtown areas..