Potty training is the most difficult task that comes with a new puppy. The key to successful potty training is to use the crate. A puppy will not soil where they sleeps. So they must sleep in the crate. NOT your bed until they are potty trained. The crate will become their den. Once they have associated the crate as their den then you will be able to control potty time.
First thing in the morning take your puppy out. Put them in the area of the yard that you want them to potty. They will go back to that area. Praise them and give them an all natural treat for a job well done.
Feed them breakfast and then you will have to take them out again within 5 to 30 minutes of eating. They will usually potty after eating.
Puppy is allowed to stay out of the crate for an hour or so. Keep them confined to a small area of the house no rugs. Put them back in the crate for about an hour and then back outside for a potty break.
Ok so they did not go when you put them outside. They wanted to play. Give them about 5 minutes. No potty= back in the crate they go. Wait about 10 minutes then outside again. Keep repeating this until they go. Then give them praise and a treat and let them stay out of their crate for awhile.
Repeat this process thru the day. At night you will put them to bed on your schedule and get up at least once with them. If not you will wake up to a stinky dog and a mess to clean up.
Do not expect too much too soon.
Do not let them sleep with you a few nights and then start the crate training.
Do not hit them or rub their nose in their mess when they have an accident.
Do praise them and use a word to associate potty time.
Do not put them outside after the accident. They will just play and not get what you are doing. Key is before the accident. If you catch them in the act a stern no and outside.
Be patient and please understand toy breed puppies have small bladders and do not have control until about 12 to 14 weeks old. If you can not get your puppy trained then YOU are doing something wrong not them. Call me I will help.
If your puppy cries when you put them in the crate it is ok. Do not take them out when they are crying. You are reinforcing bad behavior. Put their crate in an area of the house that is quiet and away from your bedroom. Put a blanket or a towel over their crate to make it dark. Do not put their food or water bowl in their crate. They need a designated area to sleep and one to eat and drink.