Hello!! Thank you so much for purchasing your new family member from me…I am honored to work with you and grateful for your business!
I am writing you in advance…to help you begin to prepare for your new puppy's arrival! There are some things I would like to address…based on my past experiences and on the typical questions everybody asks!
First let me say that it can be really stressful on a puppy to change homes. They are used to a calm environment with certain type of food and it’s essential to maintain this once the puppy is home! So yes, play with your puppy…but make sure they eat several times per day, drink plenty of water, and gets plenty of downtime during the first few days. EVERYBODY is going to want to play and pet and love on the puppy and that’s fantastic…but it is very important to remember that your puppy will need breaks from activity while getting used to the new environment. If your puppy does not eat THE NIGHT you get him/her…PLEASE CALL ME!!! I cannot stress enough how important this eating business is in a small puppy!!!!!!! I will be on call all night to make sure things are going smoothly for you. I would appreciate a text letting me know your puppy has eaten once you arrive home and settle in no matter how late…I will sleep better knowing all is well. text 501-208-1248
1. FOOD: Your puppy is currently eating nutri source chicken and rice small breed puppy food. Please do not change it!!! You are welcome to change it later…but it’s essential for your puppy to undergo the least amount of stress possible and changing food is stressful! It can cause diarrhea and they may not eat what you buy…which can be a nightmare! PLEASE, PLEASE get a bag!
2. CANNED FOOD: To ensure that your puppy will eat for the first 24 hours…I recommend a canned food that can be found at most retailers like petco/petsmart or online. You should only need a can or two…as you don’t want to continue on this…but it’s great to get them to eat if they are stressed! It is made by Royal Canin and it’s their puppy appetite stimulating formula. I use it to wean puppies so they are used to it and love it! You can spoon a little on top of the kibble…or mix with warm water to make a gravy for the kibble.
3. LIGHT KARO SYRUP OR HONEY: This is a just in case thing…but very important. I will be sending you more info regarding low blood sugar in puppies (hypoglycemia) but for now…please pick up a small bottle of either of the above. I do not intend to send your puppy if I feel there is a risk of low blood sugar. However…despite all efforts…sometimes the stress of leaving home will cause a puppy to not eat…and this can develop into hypoglycemia which is life threatening. I don’t want to scare you or make you nervous about this…because in all likelihood it won’t be an issue. And I won’t send one home if I feel it is at risk. But in the unlikely event that it happens…it’s definitely better to have this on hand just in case…than to be running to the grocery at midnight or for sure a trip to the emergency vet!!!
4. PUPPY PADS: ANY BRAND IS FINE THESE COME IN HANDY!! BE SURE TO BRING A COUPLE WHEN YOU COME TO PICK UP YOUR PUPPY! In addition you may want to bring either paper towels and spray or handi wipes in case of a poo poo. Nothing worse than a couple hours in the car with a stinky poo TRUST ME!!! Also bring a plastic bag so you can seal the poo up and not have to smell it! This is my standard poo speech.
5. BOWLS: ONE FOR FOOD ONE FOR WATER AND LOW TO THE GROUND…stone ware is more stable. Puppies tend to step in bowls and knock them over
7. TOYS…variety is the spice of life!!! I recommend lots of different sizes, textures, some that squeak… some that don’t. Soft and fluffy are good for shaking and tugging. Rope, nylon, hard rubber etc are good for teething.
8. BRUSH And Shampoo. SOFT PUPPY SLICKER unless you are getting a short hair breed then a SOFT NON SLICKER brush is best. I am often asked what we bathe our pups in. We use Fresh and Clean Shampoo. It smells great!
9. CRATES: I prefer the wire kind for home.
FROM HERE…. THE SKY IS THE LIMIT! You can spend as much…or as little as you wish on tons of cute puppy stuff. The main thing is get the right foods, honey/Karo, and you will be just fine!
I hope this helps!!! I know you are going to be asking questions…so I figured I would just address some of the common ones here to help you prepare. Happy Shopping